Vaccine Ingredients

Vaccines App Ideas:

·      Ingredient Myths
o   Things that are in vaccines à The dose makes the poison
§  Antigen: mimics the natural infection to stimulate an immune response without feeling the symptoms. Found everywhere, and babies come into contact with millions of antigens every day. Found in the body.
·      Killed Viruses
o   Serve same purpose as contacting a real, live virus without the risk
o   Produce same reaction without symptoms
o   Polio and flu
·      Partial Bacteria
o   Bacteria are found everywhere, on the body, in soil, every surface
o   Bits and pieces necessary to provoke the response but unable to cause disease
o   Hib, DTaP
·      Partial Viruses
o   Same as bacteria, only the parts necessary to stimulate the immune system
o   HBV, Gardasil
·      Weakened Live Viruses
o   Cannot do harm to the body
o   Strong enough to stimulate reaction
o   MMR, chicken pox
§  Fluids
·      Sterilized Water
§  Preservatives/Stabilizers: Prevent vaccines from becoming spoiled and making people sick, help vaccine last longer, make vaccines affordable, harmless substances
·      Amino Acids
o   Stabilizer
o   Found in the body to make proteins à important role in nutrition
·      Formaldehyde/Formalin
o   Formalin = formaldehyde dissolved in water
o   Prevents growth of bad bacteria, inactivates toxins, keeps vaccine working effectively
o   Harmless in small quantities, like in the vaccine
o   Produced/excreted by the body
o   Apricots, pears, potatoes, shrimp, coffee, bananas
o   16.3mg vs 1.2 for all vaccines combined
·      Gelatin
o   Jello, jam, marshmallows, yogurt, cosmetics, photography, medication production
·      MSG
o   Preserve efficacy over a long period of time
o   Flavor enhancer in foods
o   Found in larger quantities in grape juice, peas, breast milk
o   Flu, MMR, chicken pox
·      Phenoxyethanol
o   Found in perfume, sunscreen, cosmetics
o   Pediatrix, DTaP, HBV, polio
·      Sorbitol
o   Sugar-free gum, diet drinks, mouthwash, cosmetics
o   1.25 grams
o   Preservative in MMR
·      Sucrose
o   Sugar
o   Sweetener in desserts, fruits
o   Protects vaccine from light or heat
o   Hib, MMR, chicken pox
§  Adjuvants: Increase efficacy of vaccine, allow less antigen to make vaccine effective, provoke stronger immune response, reduces side effect risk from antigen
·      Aluminum
o   Found in antacids, infant formula
o   0.625mg vs. 0225mg/liter
o   No neurological differences w/ and w/o aluminum
·      Glutaraldehyde
o   Toxin detoxifier
o   Found in fertilizer, disinfectant
o   1 billionth of a gram
·      HCl
o   Found in the stomach
o   Added in miniscule amounts to reach the right pH
o   Could have severe reaction without it
·      Antibiotics (Neomycin, polymyxin B)
o   Prevent unwanted bacteria from growing and causing harm
o   Found in quantities 20 to 40 times less than daily dose
o   Neomycin: MMR, polio, chicken pox
o   Polymyxin B: 1 tenth of a nanogram in pediatrix, chicken pox, flu, polio
·      Phosphate Buffer
o   Keep the vaccine at the right acidity level
o   Reduce risk of unwanted reaction to the vaccines
o   Example is potassium à organ function and several foods, laxatives
o   DTap, flu, chicken pox
·      Polysorbate 80
o   Made from sugar and a form of fatty acid à safe for consumption
o   Foods and medications
o   Keeps all the ingredients together and in solution
o   Pickles, condiments, shortening, whipped cream, vitamins, soap, ice cream
o   DTaP, Pediatrix, Gardasil, flu vaccines
·      NaCl
o   Table salt
o   Necessary for organs to work properly
o   Keeps vaccines from harming the body’s cells
§  Growing Medium: Not an actual component of vaccine, may be present in vaccine because it is difficult to remove all of it
·      Albumin
o   Found in humans, chickens, cows à from eggs
o   MMR, chicken pox, flu
o   A few micrograms
·      Yeast Protein
o   Very small quantities after it has been removed
o   Pediatrix, HBV, Hib
o   Amounts
§  All active ingredients combined total about ½ of a drop
§  Most things measured in micrograms or milligrams (can’t be seen or about a grain of sand)
o   Things that are NOT in vaccines:
§  Antifreeze
·      Phenoxyethanol contains propylene glycol
·      Antifreeze is ethylene glycol
·      Propylene glycol is safe, and in foods:
o   Soda, cookies, ice cream, salad dressing
§  Aborted Fetal Tissue
·      Aborted fetal tissue not used in any vaccines
·      MMR cultured in human fetal cells
·      Cells come from a legally aborted fetus from the 1960s
·      Also used in many research studies
·      Catholic church states that it is okay to receive these vaccines
o   Statement from Vatican from 2005
§  Thimerosal
·      Thimerosal was removed from all vaccines by 2002
·      Was believed to be the cause of autism from vaccines
·      Methyl mercury dangerous in high quantities, but found in low quantities in fish
·      Ethyl mercury not dangerous at all, the form made by breakdown of thimerosal
·      Expected drop in autism did not happen when thimerosal was removed

-This information was compiled by Megan McAlice  

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